NORTH SEA SHELLS . celeriac . oyster leaf . citrus

BRILL . korean bbq . vin jaune . carrot

VEAL SWEETBREAD . salsify . port wine . Wostyn mustard

OXTAIL . black truffle . fried egg . ratte potato

PINEAPPLE . pecan . caramel . popped corn


PRICE:                              91,00 € 


  • selection of farm cheese 'Michel Van Tricht' instead of dessert: + 9.00 Euro (please order before the meal)
  • Last time to order this menu: in the afternoon before 13:00 and in the evening before 20:00
  • Chef Bert Boussemaere follows the rhythm of the seasons and the market supply, with his own vegetable garden as a source of inspiration, fresh fish from the North Sea, dairy from the local farms, local meat,.... He goes for pure preparations that reflect the individuality of each product. Enjoy the pure taste.